Ask & You shall Receive

View Some of Our Most
Frequently Asked Questions Below to See If
We've Answered Your Queries

If We Haven't Answered Your Question - Ask Us!

  • Do you build apps?
    • We don’t develop apps in-house. However, in the past we have collaborated with third party companies to do the design and project manage the development.

  • What format should I supply images & videos?
    • For images we prefer .jpg files. We also accept .png, .gif as well as .eps. For videos we find that a Youtube or Vevo link would be best but if you’d like to send us a video file it can be in an .mpeg format.

  • Are you interested in doing collaborative work/partnership?
    • We’re always open to collaboration work and partnering with fellow creatives. In the past we’ve worked alongside software developers, online marketers and brand agencies. In our industry collaboration is important and at times is the key to a successful outcome.

  • Do you offer internships/work-experience?
    • Yes, we do! Once a year, around Spring time, we offer a 6-8 weeks program suitable for university students where you’ll get to work on a real project and use your work as part of your future portfolio. Depending on your university requirements you may be able to use your work experience to go towards course credits.

  • Do you do/support charity work?
    • Yes, we do. We take pride in working alongside local communities and supporting government funded initiatives. As a local Brisbane business we like to do give back to our lovely city and its community.

  • Is a logo included as part of my website package?
    • Logo is the keystone of most designs and we feel that the design & development of a logo requires its own dedicated love and attention. Before starting a web design, for most cases, we will need the logo to be sorted – so if this is the case for you and you need a logo designed let’s talk logo & branding!

  • Who owns the logo/artwork once it’s completed?
    • Final artwork/design are yours to have in the form of PDF, JPG or PNG. For logos, an EPS file will be supplied with the final artwork.

      Copyright to the finished artwork produced by Eightball Media is owned by Eightball Media. Upon final payment of project contract, the client is assigned rights to use as required. Rights to photos, graphics, source code, work-up files, and computer programs are specifically not transferred to the client, and remain the property of their respective owners. Unless previously agreed upon, all original source files and work-up files are the property of Eightball Media. Should a client requires the original source files and work-up files a fee will be charged prior to releasing the files.

  • Do you design printable materials & stationary?
    • Yes, we do. We do artwork for brochures, letterhead, business cards, presentation folders, restaurant menu and even car wraps. You name it – we probably do it. Browse through our projects or graphic design service page to see what we can do for you.

  • Can you organise printing for me?
    • Yes, we can. We have a network of printers locally and nationally that we can print through. We can also work with your preferred printer to ensure that the artwork has the right requirements.

  • Can you organise building/wall signage?
    • Yes, we can. We can organise the design work for you and collaborate with a signage company that will do the fabrications and installations.

  • Will I be able to update my website?
    • Yes, you will. Most of our websites are built on a Content Management System and our clients will have undergone a website training session at the completion of the website where they’d get taught how to add and update information throughout the website.

  • Who owns the website once it’s completed?
    • Once completed the client owns the website. However, original working files such as development files, graphic/illustration files or fonts are owned by Eightball Media. Any additional subscriptions or plugins will need to be paid for future use and will remain the property of its developers.

  • What platforms do you build your website on?
    • These days we commonly build on WordPress/WooCommerce. However, we also have experience in Joomla, Drupal, Magento, Big Cartel and Square Space.

  • Can you make my logo bigger on the website?
    • Most of the time we don’t recommend making your logo bigger. How come? Well, there are many reasons such as detracting from your website content and it shouldn’t be the focus of the navigation. If people are already on your website or been handed out a promotional material they’d know that it’s your company.

      Perhaps you’d like to purchase the “Make My Logo Bigger” cream along with the “White Space Eliminator” cream. You can find more info on them here:

  • Does my website get backed up?
    • On initial build your website will be backed up. However, future back up and any updates of the website will depend on the maintenance package options you’ve selected (if any).

  • Does my website come with a mobile app?
    • No, it doesn’t. However, most of our websites are built on a responsive framework which means that it’ll be suitable for mobile devices. If you need a specific app built in-lieu of your website we can collaborate with an app developer to organise this for you.

  • Is a logo included as part of my website package?
    • Logo is the keystone of most designs and we feel that the design & development of a logo requires its own dedicated love and attention. Before starting a web design, for most cases, we will need the logo to be sorted – so if this is the case for you and you need a logo designed let’s talk logo & branding!

  • Will my website be responsive?
    • All our new websites will be built on a responsive framework unless previously agreed otherwise.

  • What is a responsive website?
    • Good question. A responsive website is a website that has been crafted to provide optimal viewing experience – where the website layout and navigation will automatically resize according to the device you’re viewing it from. So basically it’s one website built to suit desktop computers, tablets and mobile phones.

  • Do you only rebuild website or can you edit my existing site?
    • We can edit your existing site, but it depends on the platform your website was built on and how much changes are going to occur to the design. Sometimes, based on the requirements, it may be more effective to rebuild the website. Give us a call to discuss your website needs and options.

  • I have an existing website that I’d like to transfer to you. What do you need from me to manage this?
    • First we will need to audit your website to find out what platform it has been built on. Although we’re a website specialist we’re not a webmaster of every platform – some websites are not transferable to a third party company.

      Once that’s done we will need your domain and hosting login details along with some other details. Please contact us for more details.

  • Is proofreading included as part of the website package?
    • No, it’s not included. However, if you’re not confident in your writing this service is available upon request. We have content writers that are able to review your content and even make suggestions to improve it for SEO purposes.

  • How many pages can I get on my website?
    • This questions is like asking “how long is a piece of string?”. The number of pages you can have on your website depends on your requirement and budget. Theoretically you can have unlimited number of pages on a website. We can build a website with 100 pages or 10 pages – building 100 pages of course would take longer than 10.

  • Are emails included as part of the website hosting?
    • Yes, when you sign up with our hosting package emails are also included.

  • Do I have to host my website with you?
    • No, you don’t have to host your website with us. We recommend hosting with us for ease of updates in the future. We charge a small fee to build your site on a different server to cover our labour of having to check that the chosen server have the right requirements.

  • Is SEO included in the pricing if I get a website with your company?
    • SEO is included in some website package options, but not all. At Eightball, we offer customised solutions based on our customers’ needs and budget.

  • Why do you think your websites are better than others?
    • We build boutique style website – no matter the size of the website we will get to know your business and it’s strong selling points so that we can cater the design and layout to meet your objectives.

  • I know some other online business that can build a website for very cheap. Why wouldn’t I go with them?
    • Ah, there are so many reasons we can come up with. If you’re interested in finding out why we recommend going with a professional company, give us a call on 07 3122 9888.

  • How much does a website cost?
    • We have a range of websites to cater to various clients. A single page website starts from $1,500.00, a lead generation website starts from $6,000.00 and a custom website starts from $10,000.00.

      If you have any queries about budgeting please don’t hesitate to email or give us a call on 07 3122 9888.

  • I need a website ASAP. Can I have it by next week?
    • On average a basic website takes about 8 weeks to plan, design, review and implement. We here at Eightball Media believe that Smart Web Design starts with proper planning & an effective web marketing strategy.

      However, give us a call today so we can find out your website requirements and see if we can assist your website needs.

  • Do I get anything other than a conversation?
    • Once you’ve engaged us to do consulting work for you we will provide you with some working documentation based on our findings. This document is for you to keep and do with it as you please.

  • Do I have to pay for first consultation?
    • The first 30 minutes of the consultation is free. After that we can negotiate on how to proceed.

  • Do you travel to site?
    • We travel within 100km of our Woolloongabba office which include Gold Coast, Sunshine Coast, Cleveland and Ipswich. If you’re outside of the area or event interstate we can arrange for meetings over the phone or via Skype.

  • Can you come up with the offers and promotions for my business?
    • Yes, of course. That’s part of our consulting services. Come in for a consult and we’ll discuss your business in more details and help you come up with offers & promotions for your business.

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Ask & You Shall Receive