The Online Marketing Statement of Cooperation
SEO and PPC are wider elements of a diverse online environment. While their differences are highlighted by opposing strengths and weaknesses, SEO and PPC can work together harmoniously, often reducing the effects of listed disadvantages and picking up campaign slack as the other arm fluctuates. It is difficult to believe these natural enemies can work together toward a common goal.
Our Campaigns Benefit From Both – We suggest launching a budgeted Adwords campaign with Eightball Media to drive immediate traffic; SEO rankings will have time to mature and sustain themselves, building credibility and eventually allowing your business to dominate the page for specific keywords.
PPC and SEO Bounce – PPC picks up the slack when SEO fluctuates and comes to grips with algorithm changes. Alternatively, when PPC stumbles and loses out due to rising keyword costs or campaign changes, a stable SEO reputation can do your exposure wonders.
After our team accumulates the appropriate data, Eightball Media can analyse keyword results in both SEO and PPC campaigns, identifying the strengths of both and opportunities for cross optimisation. Data allows our marketing team to adapt strong trends to your campaign target, communicate long term possibilities and build a reliable online profile for your business.
SEO and PPC campaigns are important in driving a successful online presence. Whether you’ve been with Eightball Media for years, a few months or a few days, it’s never too late to discuss your online strategy; make it your 2013 resolution and break away from the pack. Stand out.